My goals for 2018

My goals for 2018

I know it’s a week until new years but I thought I would share my goals a week in advance. Since I am going traveling the first week of January and I still want to film 2-3 videos in advance, I thought I would do this now.

I always take a look back at the year I’ve had and summaries my feelings, accomplishments and travels. I will still do this at the end of the year but for now I’ve picked my brain on what I want to improve in 2018.


1. Read the Quran every day! I did this after Ramadan and even though I just read a page or two sometimes, I sat myself down after Maghrib prayer and read. Now I’ve fallen out of my routine and only read a verse or two on my Quran app.

"The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little." Sahih Bukhari 8/471

2. Listen to the Quran every morning. A great way to the beginning of a new day and why not start the day of right. This is something you can do while preparing breakfast, getting dressed or doing your laundry.
3. Do dhikr. Remember Allah (God) in everything you do. Say thank you for the food you have, the clean water, the job you’ve been giving, your faith, family & friends. Nothing would be possible without Allah.

Alhamdullilah - All praise to Allah
 Subhan'Allah - Glorious is Allah
 Allahu Akbar - Allah is the Greatest

4. Learn Surah Al-Kahf. The 18th chapter of the Quran. A surah I’ve started to learn but then again forgotten because I don’t practice it. Insha’Allah I will learn at least the first 10 verses before Ramadan 2018.
5. Listen to Surah al-Kahf every Friday.

"If anyone learns by heart the first 10 verses of Surah al-Kahf, he will be protected from the Dajjal (Anti-Christ)." Sahih Muslim 4/1766

6. Fast Monday & Thursdays. Prophet Muhammad saw used to fast on these days because these are the days our deeds are shown to Allah.
7. Wake up for Fajr consistently on time, and also pray Tahajjud (night prayer) at least once every week.

Our Lord comes down to the nearest Heaven every night when the last third of the night remains.

8. Write a gratitude journal. A place where I can write down what I’m grateful for, what I want to improve and my accomplishments for the day.
9. Create a new video every week with bonus videos sometimes during the week. Focusing on lifestyle videos, fashion & style and beauty related videos.
10. Gain 500 subscribers on YouTube.
11. Buy a Nikon j5 to improve my video quality. Support me on Patreon if you’d like!
12. Keep a daily diary on my laptop without any filter. Somewhere I can write exactly what I’m feeling and experiencing.

I hope you continue on following my journey and let’s check off this list one by one together. Do you have anything you want to add? Leave it in the comments.

Happy holidays!


A gold cup of coffee

A gold cup of coffee

Yesterday was a lovely, relaxing Friday. I actually love the beginning of the weekend, starting my Friday of by listening to Surah Al-Kahf. I felt a little bit extra after filming my Sunday video so I pampered up and went out to the playground. My son loves it there and he’s become so active, wanting to walk around everywhere. After an hour there we made our way back home.

His nap was long over due so I tucked him in and started making dinner. In the evening again we made our way to his grandfather aka my father. He always starts of really shy but when he’s warmed up and used to the environment he is his own self – playing, walking and talking.

 This was yesterday brunch, sipping a cup of coffee from my new gold mug. My mum wanted to spoil me a little when we were out shopping on Wednesday, and even though I actually didn’t need these cups, they looked so inviting and great for pictures. So I got two and they have both already been in use.

Today I’m thinking about talking a stroll out to the playground again but first I have to edit tomorrows video. I’ll be sharing my tips on how I lost my baby weight and how to start working out again after having a child. After that video I’m done with baby talk for a while and will be back making ‘day in the life’ or fashion/beauty related videos.

I hope you have a great weekend!


Autumn flowers light up my day

Autumn flowers light up my day

The weekend is upon us and even though I’ve had Friday feeling since Tuesday, I’m definitely going to enjoy this weekend. Tomorrow I’ll have a couple of hours to myself which hopefully I’ll be able to enjoy to the fullest. Hair appointment, coffee, running errands – well, running is the last thing I want to do on my day ‘off’.

Fresh flowers for the weekend is starting to become a priority even though I’ve been so lucky to get the last couple of flowers from my wonderful and loving mum. It does something with your mood when you wake up and see beautiful fresh colors shine throughout your living room.

My sons cousin also has his first birthday tomorrow so I have to get something for him. Even though I have no idea what that’s going to be.. I guess I have to brainstorm a little. And tomorrow evening we’ll be visiting him and his family.

Have a great weekend, hope it treats you well!


Red is my new favorite color

Red is my new favorite color

I definitely need to find some new outfit locations because my house is running out of space. Luckily I did manage to pull this off with my phone hanging on a tripod attached to the crib and with a timer in my hand I had my own little photoshoot.

Hijab: Modanisa // Blouse: Lindex // Culottes: Mondanisa // Shoes: Esprit

Have a lovely weekend!


The weight of the world on my shoulders

The weight of the world on my shoulders

I’m already on my second cup of coffee which I usually never drink but today it’s absolutely nesaccary. With only 8 hours of interrupted sleep and a nap where I couldn’t even snooze off for two minutes, it’s safe to say I’m very tired. My body is so stiff and I feel this heavy weight on my shoulders. Probably a mix of stress, too little sleep and in much need of a long massage.

Having a 7 month baby is so much more work then what it was four months ago. I love every minute spent with my son, but I feel like I’m running on my last battery here. When and how I will be able to recharge will only be shown in the future. For now I wanted to share my outfit pictures I took the other day.






Abaya: Norwegen Designer // Pants: Bik Bok // Top: Vero Moda // Hijab: Modanisa // Shoes: Store in Miami


Inspirational colorful garden

Inspirational colorful garden

I’m sitting here on one of my four kitchen chairs looking out into the horizon. Even though my view is mostly green trees, you can see deep into the woods. And in the morning it’s especially beautiful with the sun rising from the vest.
I’m enjoying a bowl of fresh bought strawberries and a silence that only comes at night. The little one is in bed and I can finally breath out and relax a little bit more. Today was spent eventfully buying new flowers for our beautiful home built terrace. I’m no gardner since my last flowers died, all expect four. So this is my promise to take excellent care of the new once, I have to! I’m not born with green fingers but there’s always time to learn. And as soon as the terrace is done with all the decor I want it to have I’ll be the first one to show it to you. I cannot wait. Only bits and bobs left now.
On another note my creativity is sparkling like firework. I get the best ideas in the most random places, like the toilet, and I cannot wait to film ever more for you. If you don’t know already I have a YouTube channel where I try to upload once a week. I’ll also be doing more outfit posts as soon as I get the house to myself again which should be next week. I’m so excited!


When your living room is looking like a playground

When your living room is looking like a playground

The last couple of days have been stressful. With a little crawler here at home you have to get extra alert. But now that I’ve finally bought some baby proofing it’s safer to crawl around. I never knew how fast you could get to places when you’re on your stomach. But it’s of course fun to explore everything new around you. My living room is definitely looking like a playground and my inner neat freak is freaking out a little, but I know everything will be nice and cleaned up again in the evening.

Yesterday was just super hectic. The day started off having to drive into the city early in the morning to try and fix a passport. Luckily I’m getting mine renewed but we have to find a different solution for the little one. At least I have today off so I might go shopping and hopefully I’ll be able to film another video for you.

Here are some snapshots for this week. Don’t forget to check by my YouTube channel where I try to upload as much as possible. I’ve also ordered some new equipment from Amazon so hopefully that will arrive soon. Fingers crossed.




Have a beautiful Friday & happy weekend!


Let the weekend come

Let the weekend come

Today has been such a wonderful day. 17 degrees, sunshine with a little cold breeze. We went out for a walk a half hour ago and now the little one is sleeping next to me. I never know when the baby is going to wake up so I have to keep it short. Tomorrow we’re having a little celebration for my mum since she had her birthday a couple of days ago. I’ve already make a cake but it didn’t turn out the way I wanted so I might just make another one. Other than that I’m done with my daily chores, like vacuuming and working out. Now I can sit back and let the weekend come with the good company of my  family.

Happy weekend!




It’s finally Friday, the best day of the week! Even though it’s Friday for me almost every day, it’s nice to spend some quality time with the rest of the family when the weekend finally arrives. The little one has gotten a new toy and was wide awake until a minute ago. I’ll sneak into the bedroom in a couple of minutes, and figures crossed, also get some sleep. The last couple of nights have been rough and not getting a decent amount of sleep in one go is exhausting for the body. But I haven’t planned anything major today and I defiantly need a leisure day where I have absolutely nothing planned.




I’m overwhelmed by the things I have to do and book before Monday. Can time please slow down a little bit? I’ve had something to do almost every single day after work and it’s been quite exhausting. So this 5 day holiday will come good in hand once it arrives.

I usually start packing a good week before my take off, but now I’m pushing it to the last minute. Sunday is going to be my packing day and hopefully I won’t forget anything. When I do pack in advance I always have time to re-pack and to change things. Debating on weather I should rent a taxi from the airport or take public transportation to the hotel. Even though it is quite pricy, I do like the idea of a personal pick up.

I’m still in my PJ’s so now I’ve gotta go. I’ve got a late shift at work today, last one this week, and then an early morning tomorrow.
