Like walking on a sky

Like walking on a sky

Yesterday was such a wired and difficult day for some reason. You know when you have those days when nothing will go your way. It’s like the univers is against you. My time planning isn’t on it’s strongest side either, and when I think I can manage to get ready in 15 minutes I must be dreaming.


I can’t remember the last time I slept in and since my son wakes me up at 7 am now, I defiantly have to step up my game and put my money where my month is. I can’t just keep saying things and not see them through. I’ve also been so lazy this week with my training. But luckily the day turned around yesterday when I finally got out. After a little tantrum on my side – not my proudest moment – and a lot of f-words, which I never say, the day somehow turned around.

I met up with my mum and we had a lovely afternoon out. We began our shopping trip at a café because we were all starving and then continued on with some shopping. I desperately needed new kicks, and I’ve been drooling over either Nike or Adidas for the longest time. Brands are never really my thing but with good (looking) walking shoes you can never go wrong with a original brand like Nike or Adidas. After trying on some sneakers, all in a baby pink colour, I slipped into the dusty pink Nike Air and it was like walking on a sky. I have never felt such comfort on my feet and I knew I had to get them.

After 100£ lighter we went on to the toy store before I practically ran to the hairdressers to buy a new shampoo before the stores closed. I try to change my brand every time I use up my shampoo & conditioner but I always choose volum shampoo because that’s what my scalp needs at the moment.

The next two hours we went to eat dinner before I drove my mum home. I hope the coming week will be so much better. And I’ll start right here and now & try to see some promises through that I make myself.



A gold cup of coffee

A gold cup of coffee

Yesterday was a lovely, relaxing Friday. I actually love the beginning of the weekend, starting my Friday of by listening to Surah Al-Kahf. I felt a little bit extra after filming my Sunday video so I pampered up and went out to the playground. My son loves it there and he’s become so active, wanting to walk around everywhere. After an hour there we made our way back home.

His nap was long over due so I tucked him in and started making dinner. In the evening again we made our way to his grandfather aka my father. He always starts of really shy but when he’s warmed up and used to the environment he is his own self – playing, walking and talking.

 This was yesterday brunch, sipping a cup of coffee from my new gold mug. My mum wanted to spoil me a little when we were out shopping on Wednesday, and even though I actually didn’t need these cups, they looked so inviting and great for pictures. So I got two and they have both already been in use.

Today I’m thinking about talking a stroll out to the playground again but first I have to edit tomorrows video. I’ll be sharing my tips on how I lost my baby weight and how to start working out again after having a child. After that video I’m done with baby talk for a while and will be back making ‘day in the life’ or fashion/beauty related videos.

I hope you have a great weekend!


Already October

Already October

I can’t believe it’s already October and we only have a few months left of 2017. Where has the time gone? A question I ask myself every single day.

I’ve been pondering the last couple of days what to write but I couldnt find anything worth sharing. I’ve been working on my resume the last days and other then that I’ve just enjoyed being at home. I have to soak it all in before I go back to work, something I’m dreading but also looking forward to.


But this is my favorite time of year. Perfect weather and beautiful colors surrounding us.


An eventful day with my favorite people

An eventful day with my favorite people

Here I am getting lost in the endless space called the world wide web. Because it truly is a big web you get cough up in. But suddenly a lightning thought hits me and I remember  I wanted to update you. Today was such an eventful day and spend with two of the handful of my favorite people.
For the longest time I’ve been wanting to go mini golfing and today we finally drove 30 minutes into the city and found a wonderful place. It was a bit crowded when we arrived but all the school kids who occupied the playground eventually left. And after lunch we slowly went our way to the park.


In deep concentration while figuring out how to make this shot. I actually ended up with 57 points in the end which is average but I did win the match between my mum and I.

6 pounds for 18 holes and an hour later we finished. Just in time before the rain started to pour down. Luckily the little one fell asleep just as we started our game and woke up just before we finished.

The sun only picked out a couple of hours in the early morning and afternoon before it turned quite cold and cloudy so I’m glad I wore something warmer. Not bad being a hijabi in Scandinavia when the summer is very bearable.


Summer is coming

Summer is coming

Today was such a beautiful day. It did say it would rain today but the skies cleared up and the sun came out to shine. I went out for a walk around 1 p.m and took my time, looking at the beauty that we can soon call summer. After an hour and a nice long trip around our area I found myself home again. The little one slept the second half of our stroll and was well raised when we arrived home.

I had to stop and take some snapshots as well. Even got up close to a butterfly. One of the most beautiful, tiny creatures. And the colors of the beautiful flowers bring me so much joy. Summer is coming and you can finally see it.





Hour by hour

Hour by hour

I thought it would be fun to share how my day goes about. With that said, no day is the same, but there is usually a common thread. A lot of playing, a little sleeping and a lot of eating.

07.30 a.m. – Every day starts early when you have a four month old. I hear the little one is awake and it’s time for breakfast in bed. After a quick breakfast it’s time to wake up and change the nappy and let the day begin. Now it’s two hours of playtime while I try to eat my breakfast and occasionally check social media.

09.30 a.m. – Time for a two hour nap (hopefully). And I can sleep a couple of hours as well. The upside to waking up early is that you allow yourself a nap whenever the baby sleeps. And I generally fall asleep as quickly as the baby.

11.30 p.m. – The day begins for the second time, and after some food and a diaper change we can play again. I need some food too and that’s usually lunch. Consisting of two, or three, slices of bread and a much needed coffee. We play and I try to do some tasks in between.

2.30 p.m. – It’s time to go out, ordinarily after the baby has had some food and a change. Whether it’s a trip to the shopping center or just a stroll down the street, nevertheless it’s nice to get out of the house.

3 p.m. – After a 30 – 40 minute walk we arrive home again, often with a sleepy baby. It’s time for a snack, mostly some fruit or nuts. It’s time to think about dinner as well, always a dilemma – steak, soup or chicken?

6 p.m. – The afternoon is spent playing, eating and maybe a 30 minute nap. Dad is also home and we slowly get the baby ready for bed. Usually it’s just change into PJ’s but twice a week there is also a bath.


7 p.m. – Dinner is made and the parents can finally eat as well. The baby is getting a little bit uneasy ad we can tell it’s time to go to sleep soon.


8 p.m. – We can finally breath out and enjoy the evening for ourselves. Watching “The Flash”, sewing or reading a book, either way, enjoying the quite sound of the night.

23 p.m. – I finally fall asleep, a half hour later than what I would like, but at least I get a couple of hours of sleep before I have to feed the baby again.


Sunday walk

Sunday walk

I’m usually very comfortable in front of the camera and never shy away, but this time it just turned out awkward. I guess I need some more practice again.

We did manage to get out this Sunday. And I just had to take the opportunity to shoot some outfits shots. With that being said, I totally shied away today. I guess I’m not as comfortable as I used to be, or I need a different photographer. Either way, I know I can do better. Lets hope that this was a one time thing!

Pants: H&M | Jacket: Freequant | Top: Lindex | Sunglasses: H&M

Other than that we had a chill day inside. I’m crossing my fingers hoping to get more outfit pictures here soon!


Hello February

Hello February

First day in February, the shortest month of the year, started off with a cold and rainy snowfall. I’ve already been on a stroll outside but today’s trip lasted less than half an hour. But since it is the first day of February I thought I’d share ten random facts about me – so here we go.

  1. First thought when you looked in the mirror today? That I still have some glue left on my upper eyelids from yesterdays false lashes, which will probably take a day or two to get rid of.
  2. Who is the 4th person on your ‘missed calls list’ on your phone? A call from our local health clinic.
  3. What does it say in your last text message? Ca. 19:15 – Ok? A message from my dad wonder when he could come over yesterday. text
  4. What are you wearing right now? A pair of grey big sweatpants, a white nursing topp which I paired with a warm cardigan and then my blue turban, which has been my favorite style to wear lately.
  5. What word do you use over and over? Probably the word ‘bismillah’ – meaning: ‘In the name of Allah (God)’. A word I use before I eat, drink, go to the toilet or go out.
  6. Your favorite age so far in life? I’m pretty happy about the age I am at right now. Where I am in life and my situation. I’m truly blessed with the amount of love I have around me.
  7. What’s your screensaver right now?  Kinda boring, but I like to have everything neat and tidy, which includes my screensaver. skjermbilde-2017-02-01-kl-14-43-08
  8. What’s the last thing you said to someone today? I do have regular conversations with my baby, but they are with no respons. So I guess it has to be when I said goodbye to my other half before he went of to work.
  9. If you could change your name, what would you choose? This is a tough one because I do love my name, even though I never seemed to like it as much when I was younger. People always seemed to spell it wrong or pronounce it the wrong way, but now I’m quite content with it.
  10. Which one of your instagram pictures has gotten the most likes? With my 150 followers there is not a lot of bragging to do here, but there was a time where I had an open profil and I did get a few more likes then I do now. instagram-2

Now that I’ve almost used an hour for this blog post I must continue my day and that includes getting myself something to eat before the little one wakes up.


First outing

First outing

Evening has arrived and it’s soon time for me to welcome a good nights sleep. Luckily baby is feed, changed and asleep. And I can finally say, with a big smile one my face, that we had our first outing today. I have been so nervous about going out alone but it has been a real accomplishment getting over that fear. Even though it might not seem as a big deal to some, for me this was something that made me a bit anxious. Whether it was baby suddenly starting to cry when we were out or the fact that I didn’t know if I should carry the stroller down the three steps we have in front of the house first. Well, this and more where thoughts that went through my head before we finally, after so many days inside, got out. Hopefully, tomorrow will be as eventful as today.


Day 4: Dittelhoffersee

Day 4: Dittelhoffersee

Today’s trip went to Weilheim again where we actually wanted to have a swim/tanning day at the beach. But the sun couldn’t decide whether to come out or stay in, so after 1 short hour the trip went into the city again. I finally got my workout shoes. This time from Adidas for ‘only’ 119 €, but I did get 10 € discount. They’ll last at least 1000 km the salesman said so now I just have to start to run.

Unfortunately my camera skills didn’t come to use today other then to get one good picture..


The night went to an hour sleep in the evening, dinner and then a late night walk/run. My new shoes were absolutely amazing and really gives me the comfort I need when walking and running. I also got to see the sunset, and what a beautiful picture God paints every night. It gets me every time and I couldn’t help but to stare and of course pull out my phone and take some pictures.
